All too often we find ourselves in difficult places where we feel lost. It is not God’s desire for us to be without direction. A characteristic that God desires for us is to become disciplined seekers. The world we live in is an instant world where anything you need can be found in moments. The internet is full of information that is quickly accessible. Much of the quick information we hope to find on the web lends itself to instant gratification and answers. The Word gives us answers that last a lifetime and hope that endures for more than a moment. God never changes and He does not shift His stance on issues. Therefore, the Bible is the place we can go for unchanging information that makes us wise and disciplined.
Know that God’s desire for us is to become seekers. Unlike the world’s view of God, He is not an unkind Father who wants to insist on harsh commands and unreasonable requests. The seeking process will create a learner’s heart within us and while we wait for answers, patience is perfected. God is transforming us through the process of seeking and waiting. We are beautiful children who are becoming disciplined, patient and full of wisdom and strength. God does not want His children to be frightened cry-babies; He develops WARRIORS!
Questions For You:
In the last six months what have you gone through that has made you a seeker of direction?
What character trait do you feel God is developing within you?
We are co-missioned to go into the world and be difference makers. Jesus was just that, One who changed the world. As you learn to seek directions for your life, and subsequently find answers, then God will widen your search field to help those around you. Discipline yourself to spend time in the Word everyday and look for answers and knowledge that can help you, your family, and others.
Read And Write 4 Kids
Welcome to Read And Write 4 Kids, I'm glad you have visited! This blog features children's, "light", literature. Books featured here will not be those where the themes relate to vampires, mysticism, occult, or other dark subjects. I also like to discuss other kid's issues that are pertinent to reading, writing and quality learning.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Changing the Diet of our Speech
Changing the Diet of our Speech
Can you imagine eating manna for forty years? I don’t imagine the Hebrew people who wandered the wilderness for forty years had recipes for Honey Coriander Manna. Eating is a pleasure that we take for granted, imagine how figs must have tasted once the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land. What was God trying to teach the Israelites by feeding them only manna and quail?
Perhaps the entire lesson that God wanted them to learn was that of thankfulness. It is human nature, unfortunately, is to find reasons to complain. Because our sinful nature is to find problems, complaints, offenses and negativity we often fail to look at our lives through the lenses of thankfulness. There will always be a problem to complain or worry about. In the midst of the problem however, there is a provision. God wants us to allow our spiritual man to grow bigger and stronger than our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Thankfulness is innate to our spirits. Finding God’s provisions and blessings will overtake our human inclination to grumble and complain.
God tells us in His word that every word we speak is written in our books, the stories of our lives, (Revelations 20:12). What a beautiful book He would write if our thoughts, deeds and words were full of thankfulness, grace and blessing. Bless yourself, your children, and your spouse. Connect with the Holy Spirit who dwells within you...what a difference you will see as you call forth greatness in their lives and in your life. Be thankful always!
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Can you imagine eating manna for forty years? I don’t imagine the Hebrew people who wandered the wilderness for forty years had recipes for Honey Coriander Manna. Eating is a pleasure that we take for granted, imagine how figs must have tasted once the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land. What was God trying to teach the Israelites by feeding them only manna and quail?
Perhaps the entire lesson that God wanted them to learn was that of thankfulness. It is human nature, unfortunately, is to find reasons to complain. Because our sinful nature is to find problems, complaints, offenses and negativity we often fail to look at our lives through the lenses of thankfulness. There will always be a problem to complain or worry about. In the midst of the problem however, there is a provision. God wants us to allow our spiritual man to grow bigger and stronger than our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Thankfulness is innate to our spirits. Finding God’s provisions and blessings will overtake our human inclination to grumble and complain.
God tells us in His word that every word we speak is written in our books, the stories of our lives, (Revelations 20:12). What a beautiful book He would write if our thoughts, deeds and words were full of thankfulness, grace and blessing. Bless yourself, your children, and your spouse. Connect with the Holy Spirit who dwells within you...what a difference you will see as you call forth greatness in their lives and in your life. Be thankful always!
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Serving Your Family
One of the major differences between slavery and freedom is free choice, which is completely unheard of in a slave’s life. God does not intend for His children to live in slavery. Even in the Old Testament God was greatly displeased with the bondage that the Hebrews, were under. He wants believers to exercise their free choice. The Israelites worked under harsh conditions while they lived in Egypt. Once they left Egypt God asked that they serve Him. Slaves became servants, and believe it or not, there is quite a difference between the two roles.
God wants us to evolve in relationship with Him. He wants us to understand that we were once a slave to sin, then a servant of Christ, (Romans 1:1), then a friend of God, (John 15:15). God still wants us to serve Him by doing His work among our families and society, but He also wants us to know His heart and share in His secrets, like that of a friend.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
John 15:15
Colossians 3:23, does not say, because you work you will receive the inheritance, it states, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance. What are the terms of inheritance in this scripture?
It might be said that you wear different hats as you walk with the Lord. You will serve Him, but Jesus also wants you positioned with Him as His friend. We serve those we love. Consider the role of parenthood and how as parents you serve your families. You bless the Lord as you serve but you also set an example to your children as you serve them and provide guidance, love and encouragement. You are given the privilege to choose serving your family. Ask your children what they see when you serve them. What are the services you commit to participate in as the friend of Christ and a child of God?
One of the major differences between slavery and freedom is free choice, which is completely unheard of in a slave’s life. God does not intend for His children to live in slavery. Even in the Old Testament God was greatly displeased with the bondage that the Hebrews, were under. He wants believers to exercise their free choice. The Israelites worked under harsh conditions while they lived in Egypt. Once they left Egypt God asked that they serve Him. Slaves became servants, and believe it or not, there is quite a difference between the two roles.
God wants us to evolve in relationship with Him. He wants us to understand that we were once a slave to sin, then a servant of Christ, (Romans 1:1), then a friend of God, (John 15:15). God still wants us to serve Him by doing His work among our families and society, but He also wants us to know His heart and share in His secrets, like that of a friend.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
John 15:15
Colossians 3:23, does not say, because you work you will receive the inheritance, it states, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance. What are the terms of inheritance in this scripture?
It might be said that you wear different hats as you walk with the Lord. You will serve Him, but Jesus also wants you positioned with Him as His friend. We serve those we love. Consider the role of parenthood and how as parents you serve your families. You bless the Lord as you serve but you also set an example to your children as you serve them and provide guidance, love and encouragement. You are given the privilege to choose serving your family. Ask your children what they see when you serve them. What are the services you commit to participate in as the friend of Christ and a child of God?
Friday, December 22, 2017
Considering the Benefits of the Manger
Considering The Benefits of the Manger
Jesus’ debut on earth began simply. The Bible never references his birth occurring in a barn
but what it does say is that Jesus was laid in a manger, which would have been an animals
food crib. It is entirely possible that Mary and Joseph were staying with relatives but
because of the census all of Joseph’s family homes may have been fully occupied. The
young couple could have stayed outside the home of a family member in an attached room
that was used for animals. The suggestion that Jesus was born in a barn is likely Westernized story- lore passed down through story telling. What scripture does tell us is that Jesus was wrapped in rags, placed in an animal’s food crib and visited by angels, shepherds and magi.
In 2 Corinthians 8:9, scripture says that, “through the grace of Jesus He was once rich but became poor for your sake so that you through His poverty could become rich”. The riches He abandoned were the riches of glory and grace. He who was once rich in grace became poor and unfavored for our sake so that through His unfavorable position He could impart His grace to us. Jesus came to earth to leave deposits from God for humanity. The only requirement for us is to accept all the goodness and riches that God sent through Jesus. Breaking agreements with the enemy and strong-holds in our lives allows us to understand how God sees His children and not how the enemy wants us to see ourselves. We are greatly loved and His favor has been passed on to us. The simple manger was the beginning of our abundant life.
Questions for you:
What are the lies that the enemy wants you to believe about yourself?
Ask the Holy Spirit to speak God’s truth into your heart about who you really are.
God’s Word validates the truth of who you are in Christ.
There is so much that God wants for you! The riches of His grace and goodness are free for you. Be careful not to interpret God’s discipline as anger. He loves those He disciplines. He knows your potential and has great purpose for you. Let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Read The Reviews!
I've been privileged to be featured on some great book blogs in the last two months, (still more to come). It's not just having these great folks read my book, what I most appreciate is building relationships with them. Over a lifetime we stand behind thousands of people in the grocery store line and only exchange a, "hello", or "what cute children you have", but seldom build friendships that last with these people. Conversely, my fellow book bloggers live thousands of miles away, and I'm fairly certain I'll never stand behind any of them in a grocery store line, yet I feel akin to them. Relationships are intentional and the best of them are nurtured, please know dear blogger friends that I will continue to follow your blogs and leave comments as often as I can. You are great people who commit yourselves to helping others, and as Sue Morris of, Kids Lit Reviews, points out, practices random acts of kindness. Please know you are deeply appreciated and greatly valued. As Oli and Geepa would say in the midst of their Fourth of July Feeling, "Blessings To You"!!
Here are some excerpts from the, Oli's Uncommon Cents, reviews:
Home Maid Simple
I truly enjoyed this book. It is written for middle grade readers with a simple writing style, and a great lesson to be learned. I love the thought provoking questions this book raised. Just what kind of value do we put on things. Although money all has a specific value what kind of worth should we place on money? Is it more important than our relationships? Do we give more worth and value to our money, and forget about those people in our lives who should be cared for and loved more than money? I think this book should be one to find it's way into every middle school!
One Desert Rose
At first I was more fascinated by the fantasy aspect of the novel. But it is so much deeper than first realized. There are so many virtues that children can learn and practice by reading this novel. Some of which include trust, honesty, obedience, the value of money, not judging others by appearance, helping the homeless, choosing wisely, self-worth, and personal value. What a treasure trove!
Living Better One Day at a Time
I read this book during a few of my feeding times with Benjamin (my newborn). This book caught my interest in that the story line sort of reminded me of the book Indian in the Cupboard, which was one of my favorite stories as a child. I must say that I was very impressed with Allen's style of writing and the content of this book. I felt that the story line was believable and that I really felt for the cents and how they were living. I love that the message of the book was about the value and worth of ALL things in life and in all LIFE in life! I will be adding this book to our home library to share with my daughter and sons as they grow up.
Kids Lit Reviews
Oli’s Uncommon Cents is enjoyable cover to cover. It is short enough to read in one or two readings, yet long enough to tell a most engrossing story. I would not pass this one up. Middle grade teachers can find many wonderful lessons inside of Oli’s Uncommon Cents. Some of those lessons could cover self-esteem, respect, generational differences, family relationships, divorce, and loyalty to name a few. I think the kids would simply enjoy the story, the humor, and the, sometimes, crazy characters.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Book Blog Tour and May FREE-BEE Month
Join me on the, Oli Book Blog Tour!
Here is our schedule:
April 20th Living Better One Day At A Time
April 26th JenheadJen
April 30th Home Maid Simple
May 1st One Desert Rose
May 7th Mumwrites
May 8th Jagged Edge Reviews
May 9th kid-lit-reviews
May 11th My Author Interview kid-lit-reviews
The month of May will be FREE-BEE month. Each week I will give away something that you AND your kiddos will enjoy.
Contest Rules:
Every comment posted on my blog earns you a ticket in the drawing, you comment 10 times, you earn 10 tickets, it's that simple. At 3:00 every Friday I will draw the winner and post your name on my blog.
Here are the FREE-BEES:
Week 1 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Pizza Hut and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 2 $20.00 Gift Certificate to and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 3 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Toys R Us and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 4 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Dairy Queen and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Here is our schedule:
April 20th Living Better One Day At A Time
April 26th JenheadJen
April 30th Home Maid Simple
May 1st One Desert Rose
May 7th Mumwrites
May 8th Jagged Edge Reviews
May 9th kid-lit-reviews
May 11th My Author Interview kid-lit-reviews
The month of May will be FREE-BEE month. Each week I will give away something that you AND your kiddos will enjoy.
Contest Rules:
Every comment posted on my blog earns you a ticket in the drawing, you comment 10 times, you earn 10 tickets, it's that simple. At 3:00 every Friday I will draw the winner and post your name on my blog.
Here are the FREE-BEES:
Week 1 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Pizza Hut and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 2 $20.00 Gift Certificate to and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 3 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Toys R Us and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Week 4 $20.00 Gift Certificate to Dairy Queen and a free book, Oli's Uncommon Cents!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
6.01 Summer Reading Program

What I purpose is that children's authors join together to offer a summer reading program for kids, ages K-12. We could each provide a list of participating authors on our blogs and offer our books to kids, starting June 1st -June 10th and sell them for $6.01 each, including shipping, (within the U.S.).
If enough of us participated in the program we could offer a wide selection of books to children. To make it special we could sign the books we sell. No author participation fees would be necessary if we each managed our own sales and promoted the program on our social media sites.
We could keep kids reading, and even better, we could help them become acquainted with us, as authors, by visiting our blogs or websites. Wouldn't it be great if we could inspire a young reader to become a young writer!
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